Many thanks for taking the time to look at our website regarding various aspects of Architectural Design, Planning and Building Regulation approval.
I have over 40 years experience dealing primarily in Planning Applications and approvals, then specialising in updating the drawings for Building Regulation Approval.
I primarily left colleges a qualified Stone Mason, but unfortunately when I moved to the South East there was very little demand for Sone Masons so started specialising in various types of domestic Building Projects.
As time went on started to work as an Architectural assistant due to the quality of Design Drawing which we had to work with very poor.
With a great knowledge of how to construct Building Projects was able to design very detailed Drawings as I knew the basis of how a Building should work.
If you are looking for advice on your next home project please get in touch and I’ll be happy support!
Nigel Beeson

Happy with your estimate?
If you’re happy with your estimate from our quote calculator, we will organise with yourself the following…
• Arrange for site visit to carry out a detailed survey
• Prepare Preliminary design work for your approval
• The above process may take a few drawing designs which will be all part of our service
• Once design fully approved send over drawing for your records
• Apply for Planning permission using the Government Planning portal
• This process can take upwards of three months, in some cases longer depending on there work loads at time of application
• When permissions been granted, I will contact you regarding Building Regulation Approval
• Should you wish subject to quotation fees approved apply for building Regulation approval
• Although not as long building regulations can take up to two months for approval
If you wish for all the above applications to be approved prior to instructing your builder to quote for the work, you must allow at least five months from initial Planning Portal application, to full plans building regulation approval there are ways of cutting down this time, but unfortunately none of us have any control over the actual Planning Permission length of time